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  • Writer's pictureRachel Cantwell

Style not Trend

Hello everyone I hope your all safe and not too bored during this difficult time! Welcome back to my new blog, this blog will consist of my style journey which I never ever thought I’d be writing about honestly. If you know me you will probably know that I was never too into fashion before but that has totally changed!

I guess from a young age i played a lot of team sports and I was always out and about training and playing matches because sport was something I was passionate about. I look back on it and I am proud and I did enjoy every second of it however, when I was living in Ireland I almost never had a passion for my own style or creating outfits that I love. I can’t tell you the exact reason why but I know for a fact that because I did play team sports I always wanted to blend in and be one of the team whether it was what I wore, what I did or even how often I trained. I guess you can say I was a total sheep.

When I lived in Ireland I never really wanted to be stylish or look different and part of me wishes that I did try a little bit harder but I would never be where I am today if things had of been different. I found it difficult to want to be different or follow my passion in creating my own style because I was a little bit scared. I think in Ireland there are only certain fashion trends that make you ‘cool’ but again it was a trend that most people follow.

What I’m trying to say is that when I moved away I became more independent in everyday life, I didn’t have people to follow at the beginning and I found myself asking the question of ‘what are you wearing?’ before leaving to meet friends less and less. It was an opportunity for me to explore what I like as a person and not what was cool to like. I started following fashion bloggers that I thought were inspirational and cool and that’s really where my style choice grew.

Personally I adore 90s fashion and street fashion and generally I love a lot of colour too.

My style inspiration usually comes from 90s Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton, Sarah Jessica Parker, Tyra Banks and so many more fashion icons of the 90s, however I do like to try and make it my own too by adding colour, quirky jewelry or more of a street vibe.

For anyone who is into fashion one thing that I have learned is don’t follow everyone else or what’s considered to be cool, you need to find the confidence from within to be so happy with your own style. If you have creativity inside USE IT! Whether it’s makeup, fashion, writing, sport, reading or drawing it’s important to be true to yourself and what you love. For me it’s fashion and it took me so long to realize that I didn’t need to blend in or follow what the people around me wore.

Finally I can say that I am proud of what I wear and I find myself not looking at someone’s style and wishing I had their style or the guts to wear what they wear. I hope someday people will say that about me, as I was the one saying it about other people for years. Sometimes all it takes is a tiny step outside of your comfort zone to make you realize what it is you’re passionate about. For me it was moving to a different country and having the opportunity to discover myself and making friends who love me for that.

I hope this blog will provide encouragement or help to anyone who feels they’re totally sheepin’ it and they don’t want to be. Thanks to everyone for their support particularly over the past 2 weeks!

Stay safe everyone,

peace and love,

Sincerely RachelEve 💋 xx.

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