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  • Writer's pictureRachel Cantwell

10 things I learnt during the pandemic

Hello and welcome back to my blog,

it’s definitely been longer than anticipated. I hope you are all well and safe and most importantly looking after yourselves. Today’s blog is going to consist of things I have learnt during the quarantine. Things that are hugely important to me and I am somewhat let down that it took a global pandemic for me to realize them. It goes without saying that life hasn’t been a piece of cake for anyone over the last six months however it’s important to try and find the silver lining. My silver lining was learning these few things throughout the pandemic.

1.Be your own best friend

Ok so I know this might sound a bit unusual but it’s more important that you think. Allow me to explain, being your own best friend consists of self love which is a hard thing to have for ourselves. Be nice to yourself, it’s been a rough year and stressing over work, friends, college, money and many other factors can make us feel anxious. Take a moment to breath and be nice to yourself. Sometimes you have to treat yourself and have a movie night or eat your favorite food.

Remember that advice you gave to your friend and family member? Take the advice yourself! If you need a day off work take it and if you need a day in bed take it! Many of us spend our days giving advice and caring for the ones we love but we neglect ourselves. Spend time during the day to check in with yourself and see how your feeling. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself why you feel this way. They say communication is the heart of a relationship, ensure you have great communication with yourself too.

2. Eat the goddam cake!

If I had a euro for the amount of negativity surrounding body weight and food on the internet I’d be Kim Kardashian. As I mentioned before in my last post the world has changed dramatically so let’s not try to get bogged down by our routines changing too. Yes we have a lot of time to think and generally speaking it develops into negative thoughts and one of the most common negative thought is surrounding food and body weight. Drop the phone, turn off the news and try to remember your worth. A number on the scales has never determined anyone’s worth. The number of calories you ate last Wednesday will never determine your worth either and that’s why you should just eat the goddam cake!

3. Mind your Mental health

Mental health has always been prominent between most humans. Do what’s best for yours! Don’t update your phone every hour just to see certain numbers and graphs moving up (or down). Turn it off completely and I’ll tell you it’s much healthier to watch something that you enjoy and something that fills you with happiness.

Check up on your loved ones and friends, send them a text and check in with each other. No one should ever feel alone especially during these uncertain times. Everyday make it your goal to make someone smile and feel appreciated. Sometimes a goofy message from a friend can start your day on a positive note.

4. Life is too short

If your plan was to learn the guitar or Japanese when you finish college why not start now? Find the motivation within you. The airlines may give you your money back and the government may give you compensation back but no one will ever give you your time back. The girl/boy you’ve been texting for weeks but you feel like your wasting your time show them the door. Put your needs and wants first because time is the only thing we will never get back.

Let 2020 finish beautifully with goals met and a sense of accomplishment.

5. We are capable of more than we think

The last few months have felt like the hunger games yet we are still here ready to see what the world has in store. If I asked myself 4 years ago if I would survive a lockdown, a global pandemic and I would have to wear a mask to Tesco for the foreseeable future I would say f*** no! Ask yourself the same question and answer honestly. Did we ever think this would happen and most importantly did we ever think we would handle it so well as everyone has. Going forward we should always remember that no matter what life throws at us we will be ok in the end and of course if we are not ok it just means it’s not the end.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me on my journey through blogging and sharing. I hope this blog was helpful for you guys and feedback is much appreciated. Let me know what other topics you would like me to speak about,

Love and peace,

Sincerely RachelEve 💋x

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