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  • Writer's pictureRachel Cantwell

Breaking out of your comfort zone!

Hello and welcome to my first ever blog! As nervous as this experience has been it’s completely related to the title, (not comfortable whatsoever!!!)

Basically I want to talk about taking life by the horns and just going for it, I also want to briefly take you through the last two years of my life.

So when I was 20 I applied for a summer job in a place called Figline Valdarno, Tuscany working in a summer camp as a waitress. I enjoyed every second and basically hated seeing the back of it and making the dreaded journey home to the land of rain (Ireland obvs), now don’t get me wrong Ireland is a beautiful country full of beautiful people but I learnt quickly that it wasn’t the place for me at that time. So in October of 2018 I made the big move, it sounds luxurious and very spontaneous I know but it came with a lot of struggles too. Leaving friends and family was the most difficult and of course university which IS NOT FOR EVERYONE! But I’ll get into more detail about that at a later stage!

The first months were a struggle, no job and I didn’t have the greatest Italian either. At the same time the year changed me and have I met the most wonderful people I could ever have imagined! I have also become a lot stronger and independent.

After a tough but memorable year I began my journey of becoming a TEFL teacher, those of you that don’t know this.. basically it stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language, (fairly self explanatory). Throughout my summer, travels and study here I have found a new love for fashion, as moving out of Ireland allowed me to explore my own style as I was a TOTAL sheep before. I find that fashion in Ireland can be limited at times and we all work to be creative and fashionable (in my opinion) but I was constantly following the same people on Instagram who all pretty much looked the same!

Also I’m very proud to say that I work in a private language school which I adoreee!

I guess that’s just a little bit about me and how I got to where I am now. Life is so short and There’s no shame in leaving the aul comfort zone, if I do say so myself.

Again thanks to all the support I have received regarding my blog it HAS NOT gone unnoticed!

Thanks for your patience and feel free to ask anything you would like to know.

Peace and love,

Sincerely RachelEve💋.

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